Installation Art & Encounters: Extending the Invitation

Sorry for the image quality- I’m working on getting a better scan.

The placard says:

Emma Willard

Because: the school Emma Willard opened provided many women advanced education when colleges were denying female applicants. The school Willard opened helped women be seen as equal to men intellectually. Graduates of her school also went on to make big differences, including Elizabeth Cady Stanton, an influential woman’s rights activist.

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5 Responses to Installation Art & Encounters: Extending the Invitation

  1. Heather says:

    I’m wondering, in the Emma Willard School for women, what criteria did they have for the women to be competitive amongst themselves?

    • lauram6 says:

      Hi Heather
      I am not sure the role that competition played in the Emma Willard School. However as far as I understand the school (at least in early years) aimed to prepare women for motherhood and a career in teaching. Therefore I am inclined to agree with Rodney in that competition among women was not emphasized. Ill let you know if I come across any other information. thanks for the comment,

  2. March says:

    Loved seeing the “low tech” version of the Dinner Party invitation. Sometimes I think there’s something missing in the slick typography online that can only be conveyed through handwriting.

    I think you’d really enjoy Steve’s post too:

  3. Rodney Draughn says:

    I like the handwritten placard as well! Heather brought up a great point about competition among women. I wonder if Emma Willard’s school was more about collaboration than competition?

    • lauram6 says:

      Hi Rodney,
      I believe the school was developed to prepare women for the roles as mother and teacher.. so I think you may be onto something that collaboration played a larger role than competition. Ill let you know if I come across any more information.
      Thanks for the comment

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